Monday, March 7, 2011

The Future of Journalism and Outsourcing: The Free-er the Better

 By Paige Partridge

Main slide: What's going to help cut down on cost for news comanies?
      Easier: Coming out of "Start from Sratch Html and CSS"
      The Power of Wordpress: More interactivity

-Early history of prices of the internet to what it is now for companies like Roadrunner, etc.
-Phones companies will cut down the cost of their internet as well
*Applications will be free
Plus blog companies have applications for their bloggers to blog wherever they are at putting more pressure on phone companies to cut down their services

2. Easier: Coming out of "Start from Sratch Html and CSS"
Web designers and developers
      -Average cost
        Might not be able to afford the initial cost of the website for designers and coders. Risk to have a    sub standard website
        Give some figures
      -It takes too long to build and maintain
        Give some figures
3. The Power of Wordpress: More interactivity
    -Time efficient
Journalists are having to do more than one job these days. They can do that with Wordpress. Just  need to be trained on how to login and load stories.

      -Only need one to two people that know code. You can get as creative as you want to make you site look like you spent $50,000 on it.
      -What are people (bloggers and news companies) already doing?
                Blogs are the future for news source.
                Get the percentage of bloggers that use wordpress.
                Give some examples of news stations who already use wordpress.
                Mention that Wordpress isn’t the only blog company. But there are so many more companies    that are getting the hint.
      -Interactivity is huge
        People through the applications can upload videos, pictures, and stories not only to their website  fast, but through the applications on their phone. That is mobile journalism at it's best! If you had a website that is coded from scratch, you couldn't do that.
      -Wordpress is internet based. It can be access from any computer as long as the person logs in.
      -The power of links
 Bloggers that work for these news companies will be able to easily link up their stories through Wordpress automatically uploading their story to the news website.

So, the cheaper the internet gets, the more blog companies news companies use, the easier and cheaper it will be all around making the whole process of news gathering easier and faster

Web design costs $15-30 thousand plus maintenance fees

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