Monday, March 7, 2011

The Future of Journalism and Outsourcing: A Sign of the Times

By: Sami

Because of the state that the economy in and the change in technology, newspapers are being affected everywhere and unfortunately losing money and dying off. In order for them to be saved from death, partnerships need to be created.
1. Newspaper companies are running out of options.
                -Newspaper subscriptions are the reality.
                                (Example of The Selma Times Journal)
-“The Detroit Media Partnership is offering a $5,000 prize to to the person or group who can come up with the best idea ‘for helping The Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press increase their audiences or better serve the community’.”
2. Companies are partnering up all over the world.
                -Verizon just partnered up with Apple to sell their products (I-Phone and I-Pad)
                -CNN partnered up with Google for an Ad-Sense Deal.
3. Television and print newsrooms are being combined.
                -Big scale-Tribune Company (Los Angeles; Chicago; Hartford, Conn.; and Miami/Fort Lauderdale)
                -Small scale- Five newspapers partner up for election polling.
Because of partnerships, newspaper companies will be saved. They will be able to live and thrive on another source of news gathering: outsourcing news to bloggers and other various freelance reporters.
Delicious Bookmarks:
Newspaper subscriptions
Five Texas’ newspaper political polling

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